Food System

Strengthening Livelihoods

Ecological restoration

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Welcome to Aharaearth,

We draw inspiration from the wisdom of ages to cultivate a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Our mission resonates with the soul of India — to promote sustainable agricultural practices, elevate food quality, and uplift the lives of our farmers.

Nature & Community-Centric Solutions

Amrit Krishi Technique Implementation

We specialize in the transformative Amrit Krishi technique, an ancient agricultural practice rejuvenating the soil and promoting biodiversity. Through this method, we enrich the land, ensuring its vitality for generations to come.

Sustainable Farming Practices Education

Our commitment to sustainable agriculture extends beyond our fields. We provide education and training on sustainable farming practices to farmers, empowering them to make informed decisions that benefit both their livelihoods and the environment.

Gender-Equality Approach

Aharaearth is dedicated to gender equality in rural development. We actively involve and empower Tribal women farmers, recognizing their vital role in agricultural sustainability. By fostering inclusivity, we strive for a more equitable and prosperous farming community.

AI and Machine Learning Tools

Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we offer AI and machine learning tools tailored for agricultural needs. These tools provide farmers with valuable insights and knowledge, enabling them to optimize their farming practices and increase productivity sustainably.

Consultation and Implementation Services

Our team of experts offers consultation and implementation services tailored to each farm’s unique needs. Whether it’s intercropping, conservation agriculture, integrated crop-livestock management, agroforestry, or innovative water management practices.

Community Engagement and Advocacy

Aharaearth actively engages with local communities and advocates for sustainable agricultural practices. We organize workshops, seminars, and outreach programs to spread awareness and foster a culture of environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

Our Approach

At Aharaearth, we champion a transformative approach to farming, embracing regenerative agricultural practices that redefine the future of sustainable cultivation. Our commitment lies in empowering farmers to break free from the shackles of chemical dependency, fostering a harmonious coexistence between agriculture and nature.

Amrit Krishi

A Symphony of Nature and Agriculture

Our proprietary “Amrit Krishi” method stands as a testament to our dedication to natural farming. Rooted in regenerative principles, this innovative technique harnesses the power of forest biowaste, infusing the topsoil with a wealth of essential nutrients. This not only revitalizes the soil but also sets the stage for robust and resilient crop production.
Central to our ethos is the cultivation of nutritionally dense food through our groundbreaking approach. By aligning with regenerative practices, we not only enhance the vitality of our crops but also contribute to better lives for our farming community.

Haritshala: School of natural farming

Discover a revolutionary approach to sustainable agriculture with our Schools of Natural Farming. Serving as all-encompassing solutions for farmers seeking a seamless transition to sustainable practices, we provide complete handholding support through community engagements, personalized training, and ongoing discussions. Our commitment extends beyond education; we raise awareness through regular audiovisual displays, inspiring a collective shift toward natural farming. All necessary resources, including bio-fertilizers, seeds, and compost, are readily available, reducing reliance on external inputs. Embracing an agro-forestry model and integrated livestock management, 

Sustainable Development Goals

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